Monday, February 16, 2009

All Issues Of Prevention

Sorry, I have to snicker cynically when I hear that President Obama has assigned money to preventative health issues. Not that I don't agree with the premise. I was trying to get companies to start preventative health care lunch time talks in the DFW area for free 10 years ago. None of the major companies I contacted at that time were interested in having a specialist come in for free and discuss cardiovascular health risk factors and prevention with their employees. Crazy! I don't think throwing a bunch of money at it will change the problem either. Its going to take a lot of thinking before the money is spent. One problem is that people's image of the normal human body has changed. Everyone is over 6 foot tall and weighs 250 pounds or more (not literally everyone but you get my point). I remember visiting the USC campus when I was 17 and bumping into Anthony Munoz, who at that time played for the USC football team before he went on to a great career with the Cincinnati Bengals. I thought he was the biggest person I had ever seen. Now some of the linebackers in the NFL are that size, and much faster. It's just not natural. Kids coming out of high school weighing 300 pounds. Hell, I weighed all of 150 pounds when I was 18, not that I am 6'8" but still! People are looking for size rather than fitness. Look at the gym when you go work out. There are some strong people there tossing around a bunch of weight, but they are also usually fat. There has been a definite change in the perception of normal body size.

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